Kyunghwan Kim | 김경환


” I connect Humans with Computers through novel Physical Interaction techniques!! “

Hi! 👋 This is Kyunghwan, a Master’s student in School of Computing, KAIST. I am part of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL), advised by Professor Geehyuk Lee.

My research interests lie in Human‐Computer Interaction (HCI), Physical Interaction Techniques, eXtended Reality (XR), and Assistive Technology.

Please refer to my CV for more information and the various extracurricular activities I have organized, including GDSC (Google Developer Student Clubs), two Toastmasters clubs (International Association to Develop Public Speaking Skills), G.OnNaRae (GIST Student Ambassador), and many more!! 🙌


Oct '23 🌉 Excited to attend UIST ‘23 and its workshop on-site in San Francisco!
Aug '23 😎 Virtual Rolling Temple was accepted to UIST ‘23 Demos!
Mar '23 🍀 Began a new journey as an M.S. student at KAIST HCIL!
Dec '22 🎓 Won the Best B.S. Thesis Poster Presentation Award (1st place) from the School of EECS, GIST!! Enormous thanks to HCIS Lab.
Feb '22 🎉 Our team’s work on Redirected Walking (RDW) in VR was accepted to CHI ‘22 LBW!